Tim and Ava soaking up the moment.
I have finally really been able to fall in love with the present moment. Being confined for the last month without seeing anyone but my parents has forced my mind, my soul and my heart to align and really become completely present.
Do you know what happens in the present moment? All your anxiety of what will be in the future and frustration of what was in the past and your guilt of where your attention should be placed melts away. They can’t survive. Now if you can muster it, in that present moment, think with your mind, feel with your heart and believe in your soul that you are grateful. (This can be gratitude for anything big or small – the taste of coffee, the comfiness of your robe, the bird that said hello – anything.) This is where true joy resides. It lives here always. In the smile of my baby girl, in the smell of cut grass, in myself. There it is. Always waiting patiently for me to return and get a glimpse again. To refill my cup with a moment in joy.
Under usual circumstances I see this and feel it more fleetingly. I’m busy. I have made myself important and busy, so grabbing one of these moments feels difficult and far away. With many more simple days required of us now, I have been able to go to joy way more often. Anytime I feel worried about the virus, the economy, the real estate market, my sister who is a nurse, I can slow down and carefully find the moment in which I am actually living. Then I can choose from many things for which I am grateful. All the tension in my body eases. All the worry melts into a little puddle and my heart is full.